
News 8 crew helps ring Salvation Army kettle bells

The Salvation Army in Columbia depends heavily on the red kettle campaign and expects to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars through the next few weeks. “I’m just having a problem finding paid bell ringers”.


Donate to the Salvation Army!

Watch the Good Morning Show this Thursday, Dec. 3 for an inside look at the bell ringing experience, the need and creative ideas for generating donations.

Salvation Army administrators also said the organization will never call asking for money, and the mailer it sends out for donations is clearly identified. “So, we’re getting a couple here and there, but they start one day and then they quit, because it’s boring”. “Part of the reason is volunteers often only do a two-hour shift versus a paid worker can work much longer hours”, Bliven said. “If you play a musical instrument, bring that, ‘” Schweigert said.

Does their enthusiasm make you want to give more?

Bell-ringing shifts are only two hours, and Duluth has more than 860 shifts available in its eighteen collection locations.


The Salvation Army is sponsoring the event along with Shaun Peck & Family LLC Construction.

Help the Salvation Army bring some Christmas cheer to Redditch families in need