
George Lucas to new ‘Star Wars’ film: I’m your divorced father

The strategy is a 180 degree turn from the plan producers took to find the young stars of The Force Awakens, the upcoming movie that relaunches the Star Wars franchise under the direction of Disney and Lucasfilm chief Kathleen Kennedy. Ford was 35 when Star Wars: A New Hope came out.


Three years ago Lucasfilms was sold to Disney for a whopping $4 billion. This perspective might have been triggered by the fact that the Internet has not been a very welcoming place for Lucas, according to The Verge.

The studio did not like the stories Lucas had for the sequels.

It’s bound to get even more competitive from this point on, so to all of our potential Solos, we say: May your vests be neat and may the odds be ever in your favor. “It would probably ruin a vision-[director J.J. Abrams] has a vision, and it’s his vision”.

George Lucas also talked about the controversy surrounding a shooting scene in the original 1977 film.

There’s a really interesting new interview with George Lucas that’s gone up over at The Washington Post, where he talks about his career, about the choices he made, and about his taking a back seat in the new Star Wars movie universe. It also touches on Lucas’ thoughts on not being involved with The Force Awakens, a film that he says strays from his original vision for Star Wars.

“Star Wars” is first and foremost a space Western and Han Solo has frequently been compared to a cowboy. The next non-saga project after Rogue One will be a young Han Solo project, and with filming set to begin in about 12 months, producers are scouring the galaxy looking for the actor who will play the iconic role. If Han was supposed to be like John Wayne, then you don’t shoot people first.


When the digitally enhanced version was re-released in 1997, it was Greedo who shot first, creating one of the most enduring and divisive debates among Star Wars fans. Lucas called it a mythological reality.

20th Century Fox's Peter S. Myers sent a memo speaking to the building buzz around 1977's'Star Wars' six months before it opened