
Star Wars: The Force Awakens VR content out soon

J.J. Abrams Reveals the First Word Spoken in Star Wars: The Force Awakens J.J. reveals the first word spoken in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and plays a clip from the film featuring Rey and Finn.


Some of the changes include a red or blue lightsaber loading bar in Gmail or an X-Wing or TIE Fighter to help your Google Map search. “The Force Awakens” has already garnered more than $50 million in advanced ticket sales.

For Monday night’s show, ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel went all in on Disney’s ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’.

Google has hidden several “Easter eggs” for Star Wars fans to find.

Google engineers and “product folks” banded together with Lucasfilms and Disney to make this dream happen.

When Empire announced that they’d be releasing six brand new Star Wars: The Force Awakens character covers, a lot of fans thought we might just get our first official glimpse of Mark Hamill as the returning Luke Skywalker. You are in Star Wars? “It’s a nondenominational, powerful idea that was very important to us, in this film, to bring back”.

In addition to the content, Google is also releasing Cardboard “devices” with a Star Wars theme to them to use for the Star Wars virtual reality experience, which would be a nice bonus to hardcore fans. They answered questions like “Do you think Fox News is too soft on Emperor Palpatine?” with a completely straight face.

The episode also featured several sketches, including one in which R2-D2 projected a hologram of Fisher, who said she’s sworn off the bun wig from “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope”.


It looks like Google is really getting into the Star Wars fever.

Google Obsession With Star Wars Is Justified The Force Has Already Awaken