
Lindsey Graham blasts Ted Cruz at DC forum

Donald Trump appears on stage at the CNN Republican Presidential Debate in Simi Valley, California on September 16, 2015.


“That is the leader of the Republican Party”, he added, according to Time.

“Trump has risen because voters see him as authentic, independent, direct, firm, — and believe he can’t be bought. That’s Trump lesson #1”, Baker writes within the memo, obtained by CNN & 1st reported by The Washington Post. “We should prepare for 2016, by understanding the environment and recognizing the Trump phenomenon”.

Taking a shot a Cruz, who harped on getting the evangelical vote to come out on election day, Graham said, “It’s not about turning out evangelical Christians but about repairing the damage done by incredibly hateful rhetoric [that’s] driving a wall between us and the fastest growing demographic in America who should be Republicans”. Now, the NRSC memo seems to make clear the party bash’s considering as Trump’s odds of profitable the nomination have waxed, and never waned, with Baker noting in that “Trump could win”.

“Trump says what’s on his mind and that’s a problem”. “It’s about looking Hispanic Americans in the eye and saying, ‘We get it, be part of our cause, ‘” Graham said, referring specifically to the damage wrought by bag of hair Donald Trump. “Candidates shouldn’t go near this ground other than to say that your wife or daughter is offended by what Trump said”.

“It’s not because of social issues that we will lose”. The South Carolina senator then took aim at the real estate tycoon’s controversial stance on undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.

Baker’s memo is meant to prepare Republican Senate candidates for the possibility of Trump winning the nomination. “It is certain that all GOP candidates will be tied in some way to our nominee, but we need not be tied to him so closely that we have to engage in permanent cleanup or distancing maneuvers”. “That will only serve to topple the GOP candidates at every level”, Baker writes.


Last year’s elections gave Republicans a 55-45 majority in the Senate, putting the party in control of Congress’ upper chamber this year for the first time in eight years. “The election is a long way away”, he said.

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