
0% Lindsey Graham Attacks 17% Ted Cruz: His Rhetoric is ‘Garbage’

Five Republican presidential candidates, including national front-runners Donald Trump and Ben Carson, have already filed to compete in the Utah GOP’s presidential caucus next year.


Speaking on Army Radio, Marc Zell said that American voters would be sure to recognize that the prominent Republican candidate does not have the necessary qualities to lead his country. “If you think it’s about turning out more people and continuing on this path, you’re setting up this party for oblivion”.

“It doesn’t seem to matter what he says or who he offends, whether the facts are contested or the “political correctness” is challenged, Donald Trump seems to be wearing Kevlar”, said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. “Not the speech I thought I was going to give”.

“Very soon I’m going to Israel”, Trump said.

And if there’s one thing Republican candidates shouldn’t do, according to Baker, it’s attacking Trump should he become the Republican nominee.

In November, when he appeared on ABC’s “This Week”, Trump was asked about the guerilla effort undertaken by operatives within the Republican party to derail Trump’s candidacy.

Graham closed his speech with a quick tour of the nation’s foreign policy threats, calling for the immediate abrogation of the Iran nuclear deal and espousing his support for Israel.

Trump took a similar approach in discussing Israeli-Palestinian peace, saying the only way to resolve the issue is “if you had a real dealmaker, somebody that knew what he or she is doing”. “We’re going to round them all up?” “Understand the populist points Trump makes and ride that wave”. I will see what happens. “When I did this, I said I have to be treated fairly”. “I could be in a position where I want to negotiate that”. “He’s a good man, he’s worked very hard, he has absolutely no support from President Obama – absolutely none”, Trump said, touting himself as “very, very pro-Israel”.

Republican presidential candidate Lindsey Graham blasted rivals Donald Trump and Ted Cruz for what he called “garbage” anti-immigration ideas on Thursday, saying they would lose the 2016 election.


Sanders did just as well, or even better, against top Republicans in topping Trump 49 – 41 percent, Rubio 44-43 percent, Cruz 49 – 39 percent and Carson 47 – 41 percent.

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