
How The Energy-Hungry Tech Industry Is Fighting Climate Change

From the website: Mission Innovation aims to reinvigorate and accelerate global clean energy innovation with the objective to make clean energy widely affordable.


It would also allow homeowners and businesses in cloudy or low-light areas to run on solar, according to Tom Kimbis, vice president for executive affairs at the Solar Energy Industry Assocation in Washington.

Research and development for new sources of energy has lagged for years, but it appears that’s about to change. New funding will initially be strategically allocated to early stage research and development, which offers the some of the greatest opportunities for breakthroughs and transformative change. It has enjoyed broad bipartisan support in the past as a way of improving USA competitiveness. “This is how we’re going to solve this challenge – together”.

More on Mission Innovation can be found here, and President Obama’s full speech on climate change can be listened to here. Participating countries may also pursue joint research efforts through public-private partnerships as well as joint research among participating countries.

In his speech on climate change given at the conference, President Obama states that 14 of the 15 warmest years on record have occurred since the year 2000 and that 2015 is on pace to be the warmest year of all. “I hope even more governments and investors will join us”, Gates said.

World leaders were expected to arrive on Monday to discuss commitments to reducing ever-rising carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. They now invest about $10 billion a year total, about half of which comes from the U.S., Deese told reporters in Washington.

According to government data, the USA spent about $5 billion on energy R&D in 2013, compared to $31 billion on health care research and almost $70 billion on defense research.

To reinvigorate global efforts at clean-energy innovation, all participants of both efforts share a common goal to develop breakthrough technologies and substantial cost reductions to enable the global community to meet shared climate goals, increase access to clean and affordable energy, support economic development, and strengthen energy security.

The group has not yet decided how to vet promising technologies, Steyer said. He said that what is needed is a long-term strategy that gives the world confidence in the low-carbon future.

A House leadership aide applauded Gates.

Gates said the coalition would focus on angel investment to provide impetus for new clean energy technologies.

“Protecting our climate is a priority for India”, he said. We ask that any comments by climate-change denialists be flagged for moderation.

Modi said that development and preservation should go-hand-in-hand. “It would have been a hell of a lot better if they’d done it some other place, some other time”.

In addition, a group of 29 venture capitalists led by Bill Gates have also pledged to invest substantial amounts in potentially transformational early stage technologies.

“The optics are awful, just bad”, he said.


About 100 protesters found to have projectiles or other suspicious objects were detained after some demonstrations turned violent, said the Paris police chief, Michel Cadot. The United States could put forward a small pot of money with the promise that it will be “magnified by the commercial savvy of Bill Gates” and by contributions from partner nations.

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