
Latest Poll: Sanders Handily Trounces All Top Republicans-Yeah, Including Trump

MANASSAS, Virginia (CNN) – Donald Trump revealed on Wednesday that he’s going to take a trip to Israel soon, one day ahead of a conference in Washington where he’ll address the top Jewish Republicans in the country. All in all, anti-Trump elements of the party are right to fear that nominating the reality star and tycoon would take them into perilous and uncharted territory.


“Trump is no mere mortal, he is a unique political animal”, said Ford O’Connell, Republican strategist and former adviser on the 2008 McCain-Palin presidential campaign. Democrats and the Republican establishment have said – for months – that Trump’s angry rhetoric would turn such voters off. If this poll is anything to go by, that’s pertinently untrue. “When Trump was criticized on building a wall to stop immigration, he noted how Israel successfully built walls that were cost effective and did the job”, Baker says. An Ipsos analysis of 300 polls showed that there is an eight-point margin of error on average when polls are conducted a year before an election.

“Dr. Ben Carson, moving to center stage just one month ago, now needs some CPR”.

Cruz is very well liked – bordering on beloved – among the most conservative and most passionate elements of the Republican base. Given that Carson has struggled to grasp foreign policy, changing voter concerns might well explain the candidate’s fall in support.

The main challenge for Rubio will be to pick up a part of Trump’s and Carson’s moderates and “somewhat conservative” voters, while Cruz will have to gun for their very conservative, Tea Party and evangelical supporters.

Speaking on Army Radio, Marc Zell said that American voters would be sure to recognize that the prominent Republican candidate does not have the necessary qualities to lead his country. Jeb has been a non-factor for months, and it’s only getting worse.

According to the poll, Clinton now enjoys a lead over Sanders, 60 to 30 percent, an increase from her numbers near the beginning of November of 53 to 35 percent in another Quinnipiac poll.

The retired neurosurgeon got the support of 16% in the Quinnipiac poll, a precipitous drop of seven percentage points since the university’s survey last month. During the press conference in the town of Clinton, Cruz said his record and Rubio’s record are as different as “the arsonist and the fireman”, adding: “Marco Rubio led the fight standing shoulder to shoulder with Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama for a massive amnesty plan”. Sanders is doing equally well – and in some cases better – against the Republicans.

She also leads Cruz 47-42, a month after Cruz led 46-43.

All of this portends good things for the Democrats.

Quinnipiac also ran its general election head-to-head matchups, and both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders improved their standing somewhat against Republicans.


And that ought to make Democrats feel much better about their chances in 2016.

Ted Cruz talks condoms, college days in Bettendorf