
Clinton secures another union endorsement, bringing total to 16

“These new Benghazi emails are disturbing and show why Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration had to be forced to disclose them”, said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a release to Newsmax.


But the fact that Clinton has secured such a large portion of organized labor’s support ahead of the first nominating contests in February shows the momentum she is gaining ahead of the general election in November 2016, when union workers are traditionally key on-the-ground foot soldiers for Democratic candidates.

Hillary Clinton issued a fresh plea for stricter gun control Thursday after a mass shooting in Southern California, saying no parent should have to worry about being killed at a holiday party.

It is very possible Ms. Clinton could have a strong lead among registered Democrats but because her negative ratings are high and her trust ratings are low she could have difficulty winning the votes of many political independents and Republicans, compared to Mr. Sanders.

“Florida is so much a symbol of America – diverse, dynamic, optimistic”, Clinton said. “Make sure you do vote on March the 1st”, Clinton said. A recent Florida Atlantic University poll found her leading Sanders by a 66-to-22 percent margin in Florida’s Democratic primary, but losing hypothetical general election matchups in the state to Republicans Trump, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz.

“Eighty-three percent of gun owners support that, because they want to be responsible and not let guns fall into the wrong hands”, Clinton said.

To make matters worse for Clinton, before she announced the date, she looked down at the podium to check her prepared speech.

Though House Republicans have said they do not plan to aggressively pursue new gun legislation, Clinton said there was no legitimate rationale for not banning those on the no-fly list from buying guns. “We are a nation of immigrants, we need to understand that and support it”, said Clinton as she tried to appeal to Florida’s diversity while also taking aim at republican candidates. “I don’t know if you know this, but he sent 2 billion dollars back to Washington that would’ve been spent on infrastructure right here in Florida”, said Clinton.


“Certainly here in Central Florida we’ve seen so many people come here for the jobs, for the opportunities”. It was her fourth visit to the coveted swing state.

Largest batch of Clinton emails released