
Wreaths Across America Day To Honor Veterans, December 12th

Hanson of Springfield is the Board Chair of The nonprofit Wreaths Across America.


Since the early 1990’s, during the holidays, a wreath has been laid at every tombstone at Arlington National Cemetery-that’s 230,000 graves.

Each wreath cost $15.

So far, Bay Pines National Cemetery only has enough donations for 1,200 of the 33,000 needed to honor veterans there. Individuals and organizations learned of his plans and stepped up to help with transporting the wreaths from ME to Virginia, decorating each wreath with a red hand-tied bow and placing them on the graves.

“The minute you lay that first wreath, you continue to go back”, Ann said. “It’s huge and thank you, thank you, thank you”. “This year’s theme is, ‘Every stone has a story, ‘” Hopkins said.

“I’m just very emotional, very appreciative”, she declared. Every year, the tradition grew.

The national program to honor veterans started in 2006, inspired by wreaths placed at Arlington National Cemetery.

Members of the Civil Air Patrol, representatives from the military services, Veterans and their families and the general public are invited to the event.

During the annual trip, the organization stops at schools, monuments, veterans’ homes and communities along the way to promote its mission of honoring those who serve, remembering the fallen heroes, and teaching children about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families to keep the America safe and preserve the freedoms it provides.


The biggest corporation that donates to Wreaths Across America is Wal-Mart.

Wreaths for veterans falling short of goal