
The Senate Just Voted to Defund Planned Parenthood

Following the series of widely debunked videos showing Planned Parenthood staff talk about fetal tissue donation, Congress included language to defund the organization in their bill to repeal President Barack Obama’s signature health law.


This bill “lays the groundwork for Obamacare to be erased from the books altogether”.

Democrats in the Senate have blocked some 61 previous Republican attempts aimed at rolling back the landmark 2010 legislation created to provide health care for millions of uninsured Americans.

The legislation still must be approved by the House, which passed a different version in October.

The nation’s largest insurer, UnitedHealth Group, recently said it is losing money on the law’s exchange and may pull out entirely by 2017, while more than half of Obamacare’s 23 nonprofit co-ops will not offer plans in 2016, fueling the GOP’s arguments. “Even if the President vetoes the bill, we’ve still succeeded, because a Senate precedent has now been set for moving a similar measure forward when America finally has a President who understands the value of every person, born and unborn”.

In August, Donnelly was one of only two Democrats to vote in favor of a Senate measure to strip Planned Parenthood of federal funding. All three ultimately voted for the measure.

Others, like Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, the second-ranking Senate Republican, argued there was no way for the law to be sustained in the long run without GOP backing. The proposal by Sen. The reconciliation package repeals two key mandates of the Affordable Care Act: one requiring people to have health insurance, and another requiring businesses with more than 50 employees to provide health insurance to their employees. This time, they used a special budget procedure that prevents filibusters – delays that take 60 votes to halt – and lets them prevail with 51 votes.

The U.S. Senate voted 52-48 Thursday against providing funding for Planned Parenthood, less than a week after a deadly attack on a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

“How many election defeats will it take for Democrats to learn that ObamaCare is unpopular and hurting families?”

Senators passed by a vote of 90 to 10 an amendment sponsored by Sen.

Though federal funding for Planned Parenthood will likely remain intact for the duration of the president’s term, many state-level Republican lawmakers, including those in Texas and Missouri, have introduced legislation to defund or limit access to abortion services at Planned Parenthood in their states.

While the pro-abortion White House had earlier promised to issue a veto, the Senate still voted to approve the bill.

A Rasmussen poll last month shows that despite broad dissatisfaction with the Affordable Care Act (only 11 percent say the law should stay as it is), half of voters want Congress to go through the law and fix it piece by piece.


If those statistics don’t alarm you, surely these will: According to the National Abortion Federation, there have been eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, and 186 acts of arson against abortion providers since 1977.

After many failures GOP poised to pass Affordable Care Act repeal bill