
At Jewish Summit, Trump Says He’s A Good Negotiator Like ‘You Folks’

That comment and others from Trump drew barbs from observers who accused the businessman of engaging in stereotypes about Jewish people.


Palestinian sources told Haaretz that the assailant behind the attack is 37-year old Mazan Hasan Ariva of Abu Dis, who previously worked for the Palestinian Authority.

The extent of Cruz’s popularity among this audience is perhaps surprising given he has opposed foreign policy positions supported by many in the hawkish pro-Israel community.

“Stupidly, you want to give me money…you’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money”. “I get along with everyone”. “And I know why you’re not going to support me, it’s because I don’t want your money”. “I’m self funding my campaign”.

With challenges on so many fronts – from Hezbollah and its stockpile of advanced missiles, to ISIS and its unparalleled toxic brew of ideological messaging and brutal tactics, to a Jordanian government under serious pressure, to Iran’s direct threats and pursuit of regional hegemony – it may seem antithetical for Israel to do something dramatic, particularly when it can expect nothing from the Palestinian political leadership in return.

Trump continued to build on the stereotype that Jews are talented negotiators.

“I’m a negotiator, like you folks”, he said at one point. “And by the way, did you ever see a negotiation take so long?” “You tell me where we have a better ally that has more guts, more courage, more strength, more values than the State of Israel”, he said.

“I normally am a spontaneous speaker, but I want to make sure to get all my points in, so I’ll be using a script”, Carson said. He questioned for the first time both sides’ commitment to peace, adding that he would know within six months of being elected president whether he could broker an elusive peace accord.

“I don’t like to, as a dealmaker, give away a lot of cards by talking about how I deal with this event”, he said – a tactic that didn’t settle well with some attendees.

“It’s important to him that campaigns show that they can garner their own resources, build their own ground game and effectively mount a campaign that can win in the fall”, Abboud said.

Graham barely mentioned Israel, and instead dedicated almost his entire speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition to eviscerating Cruz, who had spoken earlier in the morning.

Speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition forum in Washington, Trump was booed when he declined to state whether he believed Israel was the “undivided capital” of Israel. Obama won 78 percent of their vote in 2008, and 69 percent in 2012, according to the Pew Research Center. He said he planned to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a trip to Israel “sometime after Christmas, probably”. “Hillary Clinton was tweeting about gun control while we learned that radicalized Islamic terrorists had been building pipe bombs”, Fiorina said.

“We need to come to grips with the idea that we are in the midst of the next world war”, he said.

Cruz said while details about the shooting in the wake of the Paris attacks were “still unclear”, it raised concerns of “radical Islamic terrorism here at home”.

He is now facing criticism for mispronoucing “Hamas” (like “HA-mus”, but you can listen for yourself at 3:38 here).


As soon as Trump started talking, social media exploded with accusations of stereotyping. “Do me a favor, just relax, okay?”

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