
Faint Galaxy From Early Universe Is Spotted

A team of astronomers using both the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes discovered an extremely faint ancient galaxy believed to date back to just 400 million years after the Big Bang.


While the telescopes have in the past detected other distant galaxies, this latest discovery shows off a “smaller, fainter class of newly forming galaxies that until now had largely evaded detection”, NASA said via a statement.

Astronomers harnessing the combined power of NASA’s Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes have found the faintest object ever seen in the early universe. They claimed that It existed 13.8 billion years ago.

However, it is the first time that an ancient galaxy was revealed through Hubble and Spitzer observations together.

Leopoldo Infante, lead author and astronomer at Pontifical Catholic University, Chile stated that the present detection has helped the team to study properties of objects that are extremely faint and formed within reasonable space of time after the big bang. Being quite small, it’s about the size of one of the galaxies orbiting around our own Milky Way, the Large Magellanic Cloud.

In the Aymara language of South America, Tayna means first born.

As such, it could provide new understanding as to how the universe’s first galaxies formed and evolved. It is one of the 22 ancient galaxies that have been lately discovered dating the start of the universe. As such, the scientists who discovered it claim that it has the potential to become the core of a much, much vaster galaxy. It is rapidly making stars at a rate 10 times faster than the Large Magellanic Cloud.

The discovery has astronomers excited about the potential of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which is slated to launch into orbit sometime in 2018. As the universe expands, the light from these distant galaxies also appears to be stretched that increases the distance and the absorption of stellar material, hydrogen using infrared measurements. Through Hubble, researchers found a cluster of galaxies approximately 4 billion light-years away. This giant cluster acts as a powerful natural lens by bending and magnifying the light of far-more-distant objects behind it. Like a zoom lens on a camera, the cluster’s gravity boosts the light of the distant protogalaxy to make it look 20 times brighter than normal.


Adding the Spitzer Telescope images, Tayna galaxy could be revealed in a colored profile. The profile led the researchers to determine its distance.

Ancient galaxy was revealed through Hubble and Spitzer observations increasing the number of ancient galaxy recently discovered to 22