
New York Daily News criticizes politicians’ response to San Bernardino shooting

“The headline says, ‘God Isn’t Fixing This”.


Two New York City newspapers took strong, but very divergent, approaches to their coverage of Wednesday’s deadly mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., on their front pages.

Gov. Chris Christie on Thursday night railed against the New York Daily News for what he called a “reprehensible” front page that sought to “degrade the power of prayer” in the wake of the San Bernardino shooting.

Around the title are tweets by Republican leaders who offer prayers and thoughts rather than legislative solutions.

Some users found the cover to be “brilliant” while others called it “deplorable”.

The cover reads: “As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless platitudes”. “Anyone suggesting otherwise is either – intentionally or unintentionally – misconstruing the point, which is that most GOP politicians have offered nothing but empty platitudes and angry rhetoric in response to the ongoing plague of gun violence in our country”.

The Daily News frequently crusades about gun control after mass shootings.

As my colleague Tom Blumer chronicled on November 23, the covers from that day and November 18 smeared the National Rifle Association (NRA) and longtime executive Wayne LaPierre as somehow enabling Islamic jihadism.

The Daily News’ tweeted image of its provocative front page is now the most retweeted of 2015 for the news organization, according to Twitter.


A wave of statements & tweets by politicians sending “thoughts and prayers” after the San Bernardino shooting was quickly followed by an furious backlash over the state of America’s gun laws.

New York Daily News