
Syrian state media says British airstrikes are illegal

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said initial analysis “indicates that the strikes were successful”. At least Walthamstow’s safe now.’ Another wrote: ‘We’re going to deselect you, Stella. ‘I have seen those TV images of what went on in (Walthamstow MP) Stella Creasy’s constituency and I can only say if there were Labour Party members on that demonstration, intimidating staff members of an MP like that, then I think they should be removed from the party.


Some campaigners moved quickly to suggest that the Syria vote and military action could shift the ground in the debate over independence; Scottish CND for example said the vote demonstrated that Scotland’s voice was being ignored and that the result of the vote strengthened calls for independence.

It was also immediately hailed by US President Barack Obama, who said the US would “look forward to having British forces flying with the coalition over Syria”.

Just hours after a convincing 397 to 223 vote in favor of expanding the campaign, United Kingdom forces began an extended bombing raid against ISIS targets in Syria. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn – who represents the left wing of the party – spoke against what he called a “reckless and half-baked intervention”.

Even though Corbyn was obviously against the strikes, 66 of his Labour MPs chose to vote for the Syrian air strike.

Cameron also refused to apologise to opposition MPs for reportedly telling fellow Conservatives in a private meeting ahead of the vote they should not side with “a bunch of terrorist sympathisers”.

So far, the USA and the coalition have stopped short of sending ground troops to Syria and Iraq, and sending more air power play into hands of the extremist group.

Britain has dispatched two additional Tornados and six Typhoons to the region to take part in attacks.

One crack female Top Gun likely to be at the forefront is Wing Commander Nikki Thomas, 36, who earlier this year became the first woman to head an RAF fast jet squadron.

Mr Cameron was happy that support in Parliament for “this necessary action” was so strong, with six different parties backing the decision.

“It is important symbolically, useful operationally, but not transformative”.

Washington praised Britain’s increased involvement in the air campaign.

The last major attack on British soil was the July 7, 2005 bombings in which 52 people died.

Military defenses have been at the ready ever since the November 13 terrorist bombings in Paris, and governments in the United Nations have been discussing for several weeks about whether or not they should retaliate.

Cameron said this figure showed it was right to take immediate action.

“This is a nasty, smaller-state Government and we are not taking the fight to them and exposing them for what they are”.

A spokesperson for Momentum said it “strongly disapproves of anyone who engages in abusive behaviour towards MPs or anyone else, and threatening or bullying, whether they are outside the Labour Party (as most are) or inside it”.


The mission to target so-called Islamic State militants in Syria could take “some time” and will require persistence, he added.

Victoria Atkins MP