
Clinton focuses on women, economy in New Hampshire

“Finally, the “I just got up” email shows that, smack dab in the middle of the Benghazi crisis, Hillary Clinton fell behind and may have not been fully briefed as she began an intense round of phone calls to foreign leaders”.


“She also has a negative of being a woman”, Carroll said, “because in the South you still have a low stigma with some people that don’t really embrace a woman being at the helm of this country”.

Desmond, however, said she is still skeptical as to whether or not Clinton, or any other presidential candidate, would turn their words into action in office.

Hillary Clinton is issuing a fresh plea for stricter gun control after the mass shooting in California. International Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers President James McCourt said in a letter to Clinton, reviewed by Reuters, that the union recognised her “strong support for fundamental labor standards” and “recognition of the significant contributions of our members to energy efficiency”.

“I don’t believe we can stop every incident of gun violence but we sure can stop a lot of them…”

Before taking any questions, Clinton spoke exclusively about the San Bernardino shooting, which killed 14 people and injured 21, and the need for increased gun-safety measures.

“It is sad that Hillary Clinton refuses to be straightforward with Floridians on how she would pay for her trillion-dollar spending increase while demanding her challengers outline how they’d pay for theirs”, said Florida Republican Party Chairman Blaise Ingoglia. “We’re not violating anybody’s rights”. “We can not go on with losing 90 people a day to gun violence”. “We are better than this”. “It’s important to remember”, she said, “the vast majority of Muslim Americans are just as concerned and heartbroken about this as anyone else”.

“It’s a deliberate, hateful, murder of all those innocent people”, Clinton said at the outset of a town hall meeting Thursday night in Dover, saying that it is becoming clearer over time that the shootings were an act of terrorism. She almost always mentions it in her stump speech, occasionally features families of victims in her events and even released an ad focused exclusively on the topic.

Clinton’s gun policy platform also includes increasing background checks; repealing immunity for “negligent manufacturers;” tightening loopholes that allow domestic abusers, felons, and mentally ill people obtain guns; and reinstating the federal assault weapons ban.


Fifty percent of Democrats support Clinton, the former secretary of state, while 36 percent support Sanders, according to a five-day rolling poll from Reuters/Ipsos dated Tuesday. She says the fact that Clinton is a woman makes her attractive to many voters.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoke to students and faculty at the Southern New Hampshire University