
Nintendo president says NX will be “unique and different”

The arrival of NX should not be worrisome for fans with the Wii or Wii U, at least not according to Time’s interview with Mr. Kimishima, who said that the company will not forsake Wii users.


The Wii U hasn’t performed as well as many people had hoped and so Nintendo has to think about what’s best for its company in the long-term.

The Wii was obviously a huge smash for Nintendo, so understandably, they’ve tried to replicate that success with the Wii U. Unfortunately, the Wii U has not been terribly successful, and from the sound of it, Nintendo’s not interested in making a third Wii.

At the same time, Kimishima said he hasn’t given up on the Wii U. Despite the console’s low sales and a new console on the way, he said Nintendo will continue developing games for their current home hardware.

“As you know within the game business momentum is key”.

It wasn’t until this summer that the Wii U hit 10 million units sold – the younger PlayStation 4 is now celebrating 30 million units sold. “It’s something unique and different”.

Mr Kimishhima noted to Time magazine: “How hard it is to explain to the consumer base what is different and new about the new hardware”.

Expect more information on the Nintendo NX early in 2016.

The statement is believed to be something in line with the transition to the new gaming console, working on the logical belief that they can not force customers to move on to the next thing (which is the Nintendo NX). However Kimishima says the Wii U will remain an important component of its offering and they are not just going to abandon those who have purchased the console.

“Kimishima also dispelled reports he predicted the Wii U’s failure, clarifying “[I said] not that it wouldn’t sell, but that it would be more hard because of the install base of the Wii itself”.


The Nintendo NX is apparently a codename for the next-gen platform of Nintendo, and when asked where it came from, Kimishima said that he has no idea of its origin or what it stands for.

Nintendo NX