
Trump delivers bigoted remarks against Jews 47 seconds into speech

He said as president he would make sure the United States does more to stand by its allies – Israel in particular – and defeat its enemies. “This room negotiates them – perhaps more than any other room I’ve ever spoken in”.


Trump also tried to appeal to the Jewish audience, and his attempts have elicited strong reaction online – some criticize that he played right into stereotypes.

The coalition advocates conservative policy for the Middle East, with much focus on Israel.

Thursday at the Republican Jewish Coalition conference in Washington, D.C., Republican, presidential candidate Sen. Sen.

Trump also drew boos from the audience when he refused to categorically state that Jerusalem should be the undivided capital of Israel. Among those Republican voters who call the economy extremely important, for example, 60% say they trust Trump to handle that issue.

Donald Trump said that if he is elected President, he will know within 6 months whether he can achieve an elusive peace accord between Israelis and Palestinians, one of the world’s most vexing challenges.

But Cruz was on the receiving end when Sen.

Businessman Donald Trump may know the Art of the Deal, but he may need his own how-to on crafting a speech to religious interest groups. That is the leader of the Republican Party.

Israeli government spokesmen did not respond to Mr Trump’s remarks.

Attendees, he said, “are looking to see who passes the commander in chief threshold. This is not a real estate deal where the two sides are arguing over money”.

“I don’t want your money, therefore you’re probably not going to support me”, Trump said.

Republican presidential hopefuls spoke at a forum held by the Republican Jewish Coalition, and candidates kept it candid.

When Trump stated that a Black Lives Matter demonstrator at a Birmingham rally for the POTUS candidate should’ve been “roughed up a bit”, people condemned the Don, but his lead in the polls didn’t drop a point. “It looks like another case”. Trump said in response. “I’d rather save it for that moment when you walk into the room”. Or is the remote risk of a Trump presidency-to say nothing of the hatred and violence that a Trump general election campaign would stir up-simply too great? Police have not determined the motive in the killings – which left 14 dead – but have not ruled out terrorism.

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Trump has criticized Obama for the president’s frosty relationship with Netanyahu, which reached new lows earlier this year. They care about their lives, don’t kid yourself. “When I did this, I said I have to be treated fairly”. “Do you want to win this election?”

Trump pledged to release a full medical report on his health – and he promised that it would be outstanding.

Several years ago, Mr Trump – before he was a presidential front-runner – made the rounds on the political talk show circuit as one of the leading voices of the “birther” movement – that bit of the conservative fringe that questioned the validity of Mr Obama’s birth certificate and his American bona fides. At various points since he launched his presidential bid in June, the construction magnate appeared to mock a disabled journalist, suggested another journalist was asking tough questions because she was menstruating, questioned prominent Republican John McCain’s war hero status, and likened Mexicans to rapists.


Recommended: Forget Donald Trump.

Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump spoke during the 2016 Republican Jewish Coalition Presidential Candidates Forum in Washington DC