
Watch Luke Skywalker walk around Hollywood Blvd. dressed as a Stormtrooper

And expect to see much more Star Wars from Disney in the coming months and years: Beginning Dec. 18, there will be a movie-themed fireworks show, and beginning January 5, 2016, there will be stormtroopers patrolling the park (in addition to the more typical Mickey and Minnie). “Even though they were wearing oversize clothes, which I never recommend for most body types, they did define their waist with some kind of sash, so you have to give them credit for that off the bat”, she said.


Star Wars Mark Hamill (l.) has a lightsaber battle with a “Star Wars” fan while disguised as a stormtrooper.

The content update will focus on introducing the planet Takodana, which has featured in trailers for the upcoming next installment to the Star Wars franchise.

When the digitally enhanced version was re-released in 1997, it was Greedo who shot first, creating one of the most enduring and divisive debates among “Star Wars” fans.

Hamill and Fisher reprise their iconic roles as Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker in JJ Abrams’ film, joined by fellow original Star Wars lead Harrison Ford.

If you want to see “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” in the Quad-Cities on its opening night … may the Force be with you. Fisher told Good Housekeeping U.K in a recent interview.

“It’s a wonderful movie”, he said.

The “Force 4 Fashion” event, held at the Skylight Modern in NYC, featured bespoke looks from top designers that were inspired by Star Wars characters and will be auctioned off for Bloomingdale’s holiday charity. I thought I was gonna have a panic attack on the first day.


Of course, there was a time when Ford fans thought he would do another Indiana Jones picture before returning to Han Solo in the Star Wars saga. “I thought, ‘That’s too easy”. “Right now its time for me to punch out and go soak in a warm tub”. “It has one eye that has this really cute way of looking at you”. It’s well worth a watch – if you can tear yourself from his work on the Star Wars poster. It’s incredible when you see it getting unwrapped.

Six revelations about George Lucas and'The Force Awakens