
Jessica Chastain & Tom Hiddleston Take ‘Crimson Peak’ to Comic-Con!

Duncan Jones’ “Warcraft” closed out the panel, taking over Hall H with immersive, wrap-around screens that stretched along both walls of the cavernous room to show fans first-look footage from the fantasy epic.


Del Toro’s “Crimson Peak” is slated to premiere on October 16. “But some of the gender roles are a little more liberated”. Also, it’s scary. I wanted it to be scary and I wanted it to be gorgeous.

The director went on to explain how two of the main characters will be back, partly because the movie will focus on the Kaiju, but also because he enjoys writing their story lines so much.

Hiddleston, who plays Mia Wasikowska’s enigmatic love interest, played the straight man to Del Toro on the panel: asked about his favourite part of the film’s elaborate set, he said there had plenty of attention to detail. “This is very different from who I am”. “It would be a spoiler to talk about it, but every corner of the room was so lovely”. “The terrible time I’d had with my aunt when I was 13, my star sign…”


Pacific Rim did not follow the cookie cutter tradition of blockbusters where you have girl meets boy, they fall in love and get together and live happily ever after”, Kickuchi stated. “It’s like the movie Twins“. “It’s a thrill to work with the movie studio that gave birth to the modern horror movie genre”. Del Toro joked as he came out that no one should cheer for Hiddleston when he comes out, but that didn’t stop them from giving the Loki actor a huge welcome. “For the first time I felt completely free to make an adult movie in the English language”. Hiddleston, however, says that “the last act is an emotional rollercoaster…it exists at a very intense pitch”, adding, “The last 45 minutes of this film is headlong and thrilling and contains twist after twist”. “We all had to hold hands and battle through it. It can take it out of you some days…” The latest “Crimson Peak” character poster reveals Hunnam’s mysteriously dashing Dr. Alan McMichael.

Legendary At Comic-Con With CRIMSON PEAK - We Are Movie Geeks