
More Mass Shootings in U.S. Than Days This Year

But what’s the “it” we’re talking about here? However, it wouldn’t have stopped any of the mass shootings during Obama’s tenure.


Because if it is, we’re on the lesser of our gun problems. So that when individuals decide they want to do somebody harm, to make it a little harder for them to do it. Because right now it’s just too easy. And we’re going to have to, I think, search ourselves as a society to make sure that we can take basic steps that would make it harder – not impossible, but harder – for individuals to get access to weapons. Well, there is a lot of evidence pointing to the contrary: according to the New York Times, every single shooter of the last 15 mass shootings obtained their gun(s) legally.

But still, Republicans don’t see the need to take actions to prevent suspected terrorists from buying guns. “Here, we are all stunned and are once again calling for attention to the endless list of families who have buried their loved ones”. The Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department has released the names of the four victims as Jamond Heyward, 17; Brandy Council, 34; Jarrett Myers, 40; and Jeran Washington, 52. Instead, Obama said, “we all have a part to play” in tackling gun violence. Most of the mass shootings this year resulted no deaths, according to that dataset, because it defines mass shootings as any incident where four or more people were shot-whether or not anyone was killed. In those shootings, a total of 447 people died and 1,292 people were injured.

“We can’t let it become normal”. The number of gun homicides was 11,208.

Wednesday’s mass shootings bring the tally this year to 355.

“Paris this year had more casualties from the three mass public shootings that than we’ve had over the entire Obama presidency”, he said. Certainly, properly assessing the mental health of gun purchasers is also a significant concern. They happen when abusive men kill their spouses or partners, when an argument between neighbors gets out of hand, when an angry ex-employee shoots his boss, when cycles of revenge spiral onward. “When the lawmakers won’t do the right thing, we’re doing things like ballot initiatives”, Watts told Refinery29, adding that many gun control ballot initiatives have been successful at the state level. It was just a few weeks ago that many politicians, including Governor Charlie Baker of MA, sought to demonstrate how much they care about public safety by rejecting Syrian refugees. Exactly which forms do they support? After Wednesday and after every act of mindless of violence.


Centuries from now, if humans still exist, and if they have evolved as we expect they would, I have complete confidence they will look back on this time period in America as one where insanity prevailed. Farook and Malik were killed in a shootout with police soon after the attacks.

Ted Cruz