
Importance Of HIV Testing Highlighted On World Days Day

There is no need for people who are HIV negative to get infected as this represents failure of HIV interventions in place to save them, Namibia’s Minister of Health and Social Services Dr Bernard Haufiku, has said.


Paula Clark, the director of HIV Services at the Jackson County Health Department, said the rise is due in part to so many people not knowing if they have the virus. Injection-drug users, on the other hand, have seen a decrease in HIV infection rates, Edmiston said.

Mabona said, “Under the theme, Working together to end Aids in Gauteng by 2030, provincial commemoration festivities will run for a period of five days at the Tshwane Events Centre from the 30th November to the 4th December”.

Although people can now still live long lives with HIV today, AIDS and HIV still carry serious impacts to those who have contracted the disease and their friends and family.

Tuesday leaders and activists observed World AIDS Day, which honors those who die from the disease, and raises awareness for efforts that fight the virus, which experts say has been falling off of the public’s radar since treatment options have been developed.

According to results released by Unicef at a conference held in South Africa, 26 new HIV infections were occurring globally, every hour among teenagers aged between 15 and 19. “And we have a counselor who comes and assists”, said Dr. Van Etta.

“We must deploy all means to strengthen the HIV prevention response”.

Julian is very open about his diagnosis, hoping it helps to erase the stigma that surrounds HIV and AIDS.

The minister explained that the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration was committed to strengthening the health sector towards achieving the global goals of completely eliminating HIV by the year 2030.

P. Jeyapandi, Madurai District Programme Manager of the AIDS Prevention and Control Unit, claimed that the number of HIV patients dropping out of the treatment had reduced due to ease of access.


It indicated that the same drugs that keep people living with HIV from becoming sick also prevent transmission of the virus from pregnant women to their infants.

Allegheny Health Network, UPMC join effort to stop spread of AIDS