
White House rips GOP for blocking gun control measures

President Obama is moving cautiously toward acknowledging radical Islamist-inspired terrorism as the possible motivation in the San Bernardino shootings, saying the attacks show a need to “prevent people from falling victim to these hateful ideologies”.


Sanders’ reforms include expanding and improving background checks, renewing the assault weapons ban, ending the sale of high-capacity magazines, making gun trafficking a federal crime, closing gun purchasing loopholes, strengthening penalties for straw purchasers who buy guns from licensed dealers on behalf of somebody prohibited from purchasing a gun, and expanding and improving the nation’s mental health treatment facilities. “We’re reminded that no country in the world has the level of gun violence we do”. Both California and Colorado have responded to mass shootings recently by passing tougher gun laws.

In series of votes lasting into Thursday evening, Senate Democrats’ gun regulation amendments were proposed, debated and defeated one by one.

“The time for prayers, thoughts and sympathies is now, but it is also a time to act”, Schumer said. Background checks always spike after mass shootings.

Republican presidential candidate, Sen.

So, Donald Trump says he’s considering undoing a few constitutional amendments by forcing Muslims to somehow register while calling for more surveillance of mosques, and he’s leading in all the GOP primary polls. Joe Manchin of West Virgina.

“I don’t think someone on a terrorist watch-list should be allowed to purchase any firearms”, Gatto said.

Senators voted 55-44 for Cornyn’s proposal, but it needed 60 votes to pass.

After years of thwarted efforts to tighten restrictions on firearms, gun control activists are heralding the 2016 elections as a watershed moment. Mike Lee (R-Utah) voting against.

Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook were killed in a shootout with police after the Wednesday attack during a holiday party at a social services agency in San Bernardino, California.

The same can be said about the San Bernardino shooters. The FBI is investigating the motives and planning, according to NPR.

Valerie Jarrett and other White House advisers have held a series of meetings in recent weeks with gun control advocates who are pushing for Obama to take strong executive action in the absence of any legislation from Congress. Among those who have attended the meetings is Gabrielle Giffords, the former Arizona congresswoman who was shot in the head during a mass shooting in 2011.

“I don’t understand the rationale behind that at all”, she said. “Unless we change that political dynamic, we’re not going to be able to make a big dent in this problem”.

Boxer chalked up previous congressional inaction to NRA-beholden members’ “lack of courage”.

Republicans in Congress say the violence is less about gun control, and more about the need to fight terrorism.

“If you have a ban in one state and you don’t have one in the other, then these crazies go and get their weapons in the other”, Shumlin said Thursday.

“I don’t want to hear anything more about the president talking about gun control”, Rubio said.


“We’ve now had more mass shootings than we’ve had days in this year, and perhaps this is the incident that tips the balance and we finally do this”, said O’Malley, later adding, “Perhaps this is that incident where we see that there’s actually a connection here, that it’s not safe, it’s not right, it’s not responsible for us to allow people to buy combat weapons, combat assault weapons so readily in our country”.

The semi-automatic rifles used in the San Bernardino Calif. shooting that killed 14 and wounded 21 on Wednesday were obtained legally despite California's strict gun laws