
Carrie Fisher Responds To Slave Leia Complaints

The star recently came across diaries she kept while shooting the 1977 movie, and she’s planning to turn them into a new book about her time on the set. The slave Leia outfit was part of what made her so powerful.


Carrie Fisher continued the Star Wars: The Force Awakens press tour with an appearance on Good Morning America Friday morning.

Recently, the Star Wars fanbase took time off from freaking out about The Force Awakens to freak out over a rumored ban on merchandise depicting Princess Leia’s “Slave” outfit from Return of the Jedi. She’s also known to bring her adorable dog, Gary, with her to as many events as possible – and Gary gave his review (through Fisher – he’s a dog, he can’t talk, silly) as well. And, in any case, she was an icon – and not just for her turn in the gold bikini.

And, Fisher has lost about 35 pounds in deference to the demand for her role, but not without taking umbrage over this. “‘They don’t want to hire all of me – only about three-quarters!”

The actress become a permanent fantasy woman for men all over the world when she appeared on screen as Princess Leia in the revealing two-piece whilst chained as a prisoner to villainous slug-like alien Jabba the Hutt.

“We treat beauty like an accomplishment and that is insane”, she said. “I went from the only female in that series, and it wasn’t a real sexual character, to all of a sudden, boom”. “Nothing changes, it’s an appearance-driven thing”. She has said she was pressured into losing the weight.


Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, Fisher commented: “The father who flipped out about it, “What am I going to tell my kid about why she’s in that outfit?”.

Carrie Fisher jets into LAX after promoting Show star Wars: The Force Awakens