
Hostages held inside Neenah motorcycle shop

Neenah Police evacuated a number of homes and businesses in the area.


Local media reported that an active shooter had barricaded himself inside of the Eagle Nation Cycles motorcycle fix shop.

The ATF is sending agents from Milwaukee to help assist local police with the shooting investigation.

Neenah police said in an alert at 10:15 a.m. that people should avoid the 200 block of Main Street because of a “high risk incident” officers were monitoring.

Police advised residents outside the immediate area to stay away as they tried to maintain order. Neenah is about 40 miles south of Green Bay.

According to ABC News, Officials with the Theda Clark Medical Center said one person was hospitalized and their condition is unknown at this time.

Several law enforcement agencies have responded, the SWAT Team among them.


The incident comes three days after a shooting in San Bernardino, CA, that left 14 dead in an attack by two people believed to be connected to the Islamic State.

Up to 30 shots have been fired in the incident