
CNN poll gives Trump 20-point lead in GOP race

Donald Trump continúa liderando, con 27 por ciento entre esos electores, seguido por Rubio con 17.


His non-committal statement drew immediately a smattering of boos from the audience as the topic of Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel is a priority for many in America’s pro-Israel groups. And he suggested: “You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money”.

“I believe that if you’re running for President of the United States, you should have to answer any question”, he said.

“I will actually be using a script”, he announced before he began his speech.

As Republican primary voters say that terrorism and the Islamic State are now among their chief concerns, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson’s standing in opinion polls has declined. Cruz, Paul and Marco Rubio of Florida all are in their first terms in office. You have more levels of complexity – more candidates, more uncertainty about who’s really going to vote….

Trump evaded specific questions about whether Palestinian demands in peace negotiations are legitimate and whether Israel should be allowed to build settlements in the West Bank without restrictions, though he said the Israeli housing projects were a “huge sticking point” in talks. He’s now more than doubled the support of his nearest rivals, Sen.

Trump picked up nine points from the CNN/ORC poll conducted in mid-October, while Carson dropped nine points and Rubio gained four points.

The comment drew murmurs of disapproval.

“The days of giving the ayatollah of Iran more respect than the prime minister of Israel will be over”.

Trump shrugged off the criticism.

“I’ll be able to tell in one sit-down meeting with the real leaders”, he said.

The billionaire frequently calls himself a “self-funded” candidate. An even worse nightmare: if a disgruntled Trump runs as an independent candidate. Fundraising records show that supporters have handed over $4 million, enough to cover his presidential efforts in recent months.

Trump’s rhetoric, including his revival of raising doubts about who Obama “reall” is, is showing that is precisely what the Republican rank and file want. Several candidates blasted him from the stage.

He lauded Israel for being “on the frontlines of our civilizational struggle against radical, apocalyptic Islam”.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was in second place with 16 percent.

Republican presidential candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee speaks to a small gathering at the Monona County Veterans Memorial Museum in Onawa, Iowa, Dec 2, stressing his experience in governing. “So I don’t know that I’m wrong”. Trump replied, “You don’t know that” and said that report, along with several others (nine of which Breitbart chronicled in a related piece as diverse as Rudy Giuliani and the Washington Post) meant the total could easily reach in the thousands.

Sanders said that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had gone through the apartment to obtain any evidence related to the shooters and also to disarm any bombs or boobytraps that might be inside. Trump asked. “Do me a favor: Just relax, OK. He should know better, and probably does”.


“A lot will have to do with Israel and whether or not Israel wants to make the deal – whether or not Israel’s willing to sacrifice certain things”, Trump declared.

Trump's lead widens causing GOP to panic