
Question of the Day – Carrying Guns

It’s become a reflexive response every time guns grab the headlines to say that mass shootings drive up gun sales. “When we took on studying auto deaths, no one did it looking to do away with cars”, he said.


“Last year OR got a D+ on our annual state gun law scorecard”, Allison Anderman, the Law Center attorney, said. Congress needs to act now!

“Congressional prohibition, which was extended in this very vote that we’re talking about with that appropriations bill, prevents the CDC from advocating for any form of gun control”. For some reason, more guns doesn’t seem to make them feel safer. “Our founding fathers knew there would be days like this”, he told NRA members during the group’s convention this April.

The voices of this crowd tend to be drowned out by those who can only scream about the Second Amendment and by those who ignore the complicated nature of enacting stronger protections.

Bullets kill more than 33,000 Americans every year – a death toll on par with motor vehicle accidents – and yet the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last seriously studied gun violence in 1996, when Rosenberg headed the agency’s centre for injury prevention.

“”Open warfare with criminal gangs.””.

On a conference call with investors, Millner, the chief executive of Cabela’s, fielded a question about the Aurora mass shooting from an analyst with Imperial Capital, who asked him if the incident had “any impact on your business”.

“We can help stop the endless and senseless loss of life by implementing a few simple and widely popular reforms to the sale and use of firearms”, he said. As citizens, we can yield to this culture of violence and arm ourselves, with the misguided belief that owning a gun will make us safer.

He defines three types of mass shooters. We freak out first. “Gang crime and gang membership is exploding”.

When left-wing media personalities like Geraldo Rivera are using crimes like the San Bernardino massacre to directly attack foundations on which the country was built, it makes a lot more than just conservatives nervous about giving the federal government any more control than they already have.

He said he can not guarantee the Arizona public’s safety and said citizens need to take matters into their own hands. When a young man or woman does not have a foundation in confident, caring and objective love they have fear instead of love at the foundation of their personality. The truth is that in a chaotic situation, even highly trained police officers often kill bystanders. This a day after San Bernardino. It’s a ridiculous straw dog argument meant to deflect from the debate on how we protect ourselves, our loved ones and our community from people with tools whose sole utility is to kill a human. But if we’re not going to talk about it now, when are we going to talk about it?

Grossman pointed out that California, where 14 people were killed this week, is one of just eight states in the country that do not allow the concealed carry of firearms. “An armed citizenry can act as a check against those who would do us harm”, he said. Texas calls it their school marshals. He said the current Congress should reinstate funding for gun violence research. Or from a neighbor. Because if that is your reasoning, then you should be able to have rocket-propelled grenades, surface-to-air missiles and anti-tank rockets, because that’s the only way you might be able to stop the government from leveling your house with an air strike from an F-16 or squashing it with an M1 Abrams Tank. Ultimately, you need more than background checks; you need many fewer guns in circulation.

It’s understandable to want to do something-anything!-when 14 people get gunned down in a barbaric shooting at a holiday party. “The gun show loophole?” They see a gun-free zone and think, “Hey, that’s great!”

They live in fear of a mobilized voting public.

Liberal politicians aren’t specific about their confiscatory preferences because they’re afraid of voter reaction and knowledgeable of the Constitution’s safeguards against such a policy.


In 2011, al Qaeda encouraged would-be terrorists to take advantage of weak gun laws in the United States. It’s the lack of money, not the threat of the NRA, that’s left a tiny pool of people like him. If only they’d have the guts to say it. “People think the NRA is like this cabal of individuals influencing politics. So they clearly had prepared those, and that was part of the long term preparation [that was] obviously behind this”. But Everitt and others on the side of gun control will continue asserting that increases in Americans exercising their rights will inevitably lead to rises in killings.

GOP lawmaker behind gun control research ban has 'regrets'