
Google Launches Star Wars Cardboard Virtual Reality Experience

The Cast of Star Wars Couldn’t Take Their Scripts Home The cast of Star Wars: The Force Awakens recalls not having been able to take the film’s script home to study their lines.


In case you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past 40 years (you lucky thing), you’ll recognise the distinctive “opening crawl” from the first scene in every film in the series. YouTube’s progress bars turn into lightsabers, Google Map markers becomes TIE Fighters or Millennium Falcons, Google Translate now includes alien languages, and Gmail showcases Star Wars-themed backgrounds.

George Lucas has given another interview as Star Wars: The Force Awakens edges closer to cinemas.

“I didn’t want to enter into making a movie where we didn’t really own our story.” the director of “Super 8” and “Star Trek” said. In its decision, the board cited “sci-fi violence” for the PG-13 rating. Jimmy Kimmel invited the impressive superfan (who also happens to be a genius in other areas) to show off his knowledge during a special Star Wars episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live. “The Force Awakens” has already garnered more than $50 million in advanced ticket sales. Director J.J. Abrams judges the proceedings. The second rule is you don’t over to their house and drive by to see what they’re doing.

Thy hype is so huge that Jimmy Kimmel described it as “the most anticipated sequel I think since the New Testament”.

British actor John Boyega says being cast in the upcoming Star Wars movie is a life-changing experience.


In addition, Awaken the Force Within, a new global program which began yesterday, asks fans to log onto and make a choice to be on the dark side or the light side.

Google apps star wars