
Reese Witherspoon Hosts National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony with the Obamas

“Trees for Troops” is part of the national effort by the “Christmas Spirit Foundation” and Fed- Ex that was started in 2005 to give Christmas trees to military families as a way of showing gratitude for their service.


The New York Daily News first reported WNBC in New York featured the celebrity-filled tree lighting instead of the breaking news that local stations WCBS and WABC were airing. On Christmas Day in 2013, there was a 58 percent increase in the number of home cooking fires than on a typical day, and a 54 percent increase on Christmas Eve.

The West Coast drought has devastated the Christmas tree crop, and some farmers are passing on the price increase to holiday shoppers.

Make sure the tree is at least three feet away from any heat source, like fireplaces, radiators, candles, heat vents or lights.

Use lights that have the label of an independent testing laboratory. Replace lights that have worn cords or loose bulb connections. It took more than ten days to decorate; thousands of ornaments hand made from children in Alaska was strung up next to colored lights. Wood suggested banging the tree on the ground a few times and if a lot of needles fall off the tree, it is already dry.

Christmas adventurers heading into the woods to cut their own tree can expect to find smaller stunted trees that were unable to grow to their full height because they didn’t get enough water.

Add water to the tree stand. Be sure to add water daily.


Founded in 1896, NFPA is a global, nonprofit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards.

National tree lightning