
Rocket Goes To Space, Lands Back Safely Upright In Texas

Named after the first American in space, Alan Shepard, the New Shepard vehicle is comprised of two elements: a crew capsule in which the astronauts ride and a rocket booster powered by a single American-made BE-3 liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen engine.


Now that Bezos and Blue Origin can claim that they’ve successfully launched a rocket to space and returned it to Earth dry and in one piece, they’ve wasted no time revving up the marketing machine. The video from Blu Origin of the landing also has some simulated footage of a space tourism adventure, though there are no details of when or if this will actually be offered.

Flying from the company’s Van Horn launch site in West Texas, the Blue Origin capsule and propulsion module rocketed more than 100 kilometers into the sky, meaning the capsule reached an altitude considered space. The craft’s capsule lands via parachute. “Full reuse is a game changer, and we can’t wait to fuel up and fly again”, said Bezos in a press release on Tuesday.

SpaceX has tried on several occasions to land its rockets on Earth undamaged, but weather and technical problems have prevented it from doing so.

That was the general idea of how the vehicle operates.

Perched atop the BE-3 is the New Shepard capsule where in the future astronauts and cargo will sit.

The vehicle was launched at 11:21 a.m. Central time. It slowed its descent by firing its engine, starting at about 4,900 feet above ground.

But more significant was the landing of the rocket booster, which descended, flew through 119 miles per hour high-altitude crosswinds and touched down on the landing pad.

Musk’s SpaceX has been trying to develop reusable rockets too, but hasn’t yet been successful.

Owned by Jeff Bezos, the founder of internet retailer Amazon, the private space firm was ecstatic at their historic feat.


“Getting to space needs ~Mach 3”, Musk said in another tweet, “but GTO orbit requires ~Mach 30”.

The New Shepard rocket just prior to touchdown. Pic Blue Origin