
Trump’s the Right Man to Handle Economy, Immigration — CNN Poll

“We need a president who will stand unapologetically with the nation of Israel”, said Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., who is the preferred candidate of 16 percent. Among non-tea party Republicans, 28 percent favored Carson, 27 percent Trump, 13 percent Rubio, 10 percent Cruz and 7 percent Bush.


Since the last poll by CNN/ORC in mid-October, Carson (-8 points since October), Jeb Bush, the former Gov. Florida (-5 points to 3%), and Sen. Mike Huckabee and John Kasich have 2 percent support and Rand Paul garnered 1 percent.

CNN noted that Republican voters are most sharply divided by education, as the race is much closer among GOP voters with college degrees. Florida Senator Marco Rubio was fourth at 12 percent.

Last month, Trump had 24 per cent, with 23 per cent for Carson. Its leaders fear a backlash, donors fear Trump’s attacks, and its candidates still trail in the polls.

The real estate mogul dominates a new national CNN/ORC poll released Friday morning, leading by a whopping 20 percentage points after climbing 9 points since mid-October to 36 percent support.

The poll reflects Trump’s dominance over the rest of the field on the issues voters deem most important to them.

Dr. Ben Carson continues to lose ground with 14% of the Republican vote.

“You’re not going to support me even though you know I’m the best thing that could ever happen to Israel”, Trump told the Republican Jewish Coalition.

– “I think you as business people will feel pretty good about this, and respect it”, he said, about how relatively little he was spending on his campaign.

“We may not like it”, the memo says, “but Trump has connected with voters on issues like trade with China and America’s broken borders”.

No wonder establishment Republicans are upset with Trump. “In the wake of the Paris attacks and the wake of San Bernardino, voters are looking for a strong commander in chief”.

The ads also come on the heels of U.S. Sen.

While 73 percent of all Republican voters admit the idea may not be practical, 44 percent believe it would be helpful to the economy and 30 percent insist it wouldn’t hurt.

There’s a sharp divide among Republican voters on these questions about deportation between those who back Trump and those who do not. Still, even among Trump’s supporters, most say it wouldn’t be possible to deport all those living in the US illegally (55%).


While the forum was underway, the rival National Jewish Democratic Council tweeted out reminders that Jews overwhelmingly vote for Democrats. The poll included 495 registered voters who identified themselves as Republicans – that portion of the poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 5.6 percent – and 346 Democrats – with a margin of error of plus or minus 6.7 percent.

CNN Poll Trump’s the Right Man to Handle Economy Immigration