
CNN Poll: Trump’s the Right Man to Handle Economy, Immigration

The front running presidential candidates of both parties, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, are among the 2016 contestants taking to the airwaves tomorrow in the wake of Wednesday’s deadly shootings in San Bernardino, Calif.


Recent polls of the race for the Republican Party presidential nomination have had Donald Trump as the dominant force, leading all other Republican candidates by double digits. 36% of the registered Republicans and independents with a Republican-leaning are backing him, and his nearest competitor is trailing by 20 points.

Recently, Donald Trump said publicly that he should charge CNN $5-M to appear in the network’s next GOP candidates’ debate in Las Vegas on 15 December because his participation would guarantee high viewer ratings.

Trump now has a twenty-point lead over his closest rival Sen.

More generally, about 4 in 10 Republicans surveyed said Trump is the most effective candidate to solve the problems of the United States, according to CNN.

While Cruz has seen his level of support jump sharply from just 4 percent in the previous poll, support for Carson is down from 22 percent. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush fell five points to three percent, and Sen. Marco Rubio from Florida at 12%. He held a small lead over Carson, and that support is across the board – tea party Republicans, non-tea party Republicans, born-again Christian Republicans.

“Trump maintained leads in other polls as well”. Broad majorities of Democratic voters report that they trust Clinton most on foreign policy (74%) and handling ISIS (59%), and as best able to handle the responsibilities that come with being commander-in-chief (64%). Rand Paul rounded out the top 10 with just one percentage point of support.

“In every category, practically, Trump is in first or second place”.


On immigration, an issue that has been a focal point of Trump’s campaign, most Americans say the government should not attempt to deport all people living in the country illegally (63 percent).

Donald Trump Thriving In The Nation's Chaos