
Woman Stabbed At Art Basel During Exhibition

Going into surreal kitsch overdrive, an impromptu stabbing of one female at the hands of another female blood art lover led to observers on Friday night at Miami’s Beach Convention Center wondering whether they were paying observance to what they surreptitiously assumed was just performance art.


An alleged video of the incident has circulated widely on social media, though it remains unconfirmed by police officials.

In attempting to rob a Bank of America at about 10:30 a.m., the man presented a note saying he had a bomb, but he left without any money and went to a barbershop a block away, Miami Beach Police Chief Daniel Oates told reporters. The suspect was apprehended by police who were at the scene within seconds of the incident.

The suspect was arrested and is in police custody; the victim was transported to Jackson Memorial Hospital, the paper said.

A bystander posted footage of the incident to Instagram, which shows officers surrounding the man before he’s shot and falls to the ground.

The owner of the video could not immediately be reached by the Guardian.

“He was challenged by the officers in the street”, Oates said, “and at some point during that confrontation he did raise his hand with a straight edge razor in it, and he was shot”. Shots were fired and the subject is deceased.

In a recent change of protocol, Oates said, the Miami-Dade Police Department will investigate the shooting, “in the interest of transparency”.

Alton Road between 15th Street and 16th Street was closed while police investigated.

At least one of the officers involved in the shooting was also wearing a body camera, Oates said, but due to Florida law the video was not released.

“They Tazed him, but he kept coming”, Baez said.


“Miami Beach Police Officers tried to talk him down, but [he] just wouldn’t cooperate”, Johnson said in his posting, which had hundreds of comments and about 60 likes. “That’s when I heard the gunshots”. “When he started moving forward towards them and they start backing up a little bit and he puts his hand on the actual police auto”.

Women's fight at Art Basel becomes stabbing incident