
Trump hurdles challenges, boosts lead even further in latest CNN/ORC poll

The ads are scheduled to appear next week on broadcast television, the New York Times reported.


Forty-two percent of GOP voters or four in 10 Republicans believe that Trump is the best candidate when it comes to solve the U.S.’s problems, while 37 percent see him as the right person to sit in the Oval Office. Marco Rubio from Florida at 12%.

In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union”, Kasich, a Republican presidential candidate, said he isn’t buying polls that show Trump in the lead – including a new CNN/ORC poll that puts the real estate mogul’s support at 36%, more than double any other contender, among Republicans.

Since the last poll by CNN/ORC in mid-October, Carson (-8 points since October), Jeb Bush, the former Gov. Florida (-5 points to 3%), and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks… All other Republican presidential candidates received support of less than 5 percent from GOP voters. Moving into fourth spot is the candidate that most of the Republican establishment love and that is the Sunshine Stares own junior Sen.

Trump has faced fierce criticism for several remarks he has made in recent weeks, including saying “thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey cheered when the World Trade Center collapsed in the 9/11 attacks of 2001, a claim that has been widely debunked. They also tend to be less educated, most without college degrees, and less affluent, most making less than $50,000 per year.

“Donald Trump is not going to get the nomination”.

Trump’s enormous lead less than two months before states begin voting in caucuses and primaries seems insurmountable.

For those citing immigration as a top concern, 55% trust Donald Trump the most.


Despite constant controversial comments and little to no workable policy positions (of any kind), Trump has had little problem staying atop the field of Republican candidates.

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