
‘Everybody wants to be politically correct, and that’s part of

STERLING, Va. (AP) – Donald Trump’s Republican campaign for president is built on the same win-at-all-costs, no-second-guessing confidence that made him billions in real estate and a star of reality television.


It’s not just the right-wing conservatives who are ecstatic that Trump is saying the vile things they really want to say, but can’t.

After regaining control, Trump was interrupted again.

From calls for expanding intelligence gathering powers to demands that Obama start using the term “radical Islamic terrorism”, GOP candidates served notice that terrorism and national security will be major issues in the 2016 election.

‘You fight it by not saying “mastermind,”‘ Trump said. “If they are Muslims, they are Muslims”.

The reality is that San Bernadino is the latest in a long list of mass shootings in America-according to Mass Shooting Tracker, which counts incidents in which four or more people were shot, the case marked the 353rd mass shooting of 2015. “I see the word ‘mastermind, ‘ the mastermind”, Trump said.

“We have to be vigilant”. When a 12-year-old girl told Trump she was “scared” about the state of our country, he told her that once he’s in the White House “you’re not going to be scared anymore”. When you have President Obama talking about global warming is our biggest problem, we have a president that is just not with it at all.

The landlord of Farooks apartment also said he had never suspected the couple of being terrorists. He continued to say to Quad Citians, “I think you’ll like this because their headquarters”. One person that has been floated, with varying degrees of support for the comparison, is Ross Perot, an outsider who ran as an independent in the 1992 general election and won 19 percent of the vote. He also stated that he would be open to registering Muslims in a special database or requiring that they carry identification identifying their faith. Some critics have compared this opinion with what Hitler did to Jewish people during the holocaust. Meanwhile, ABC News reports that Muslims in the USA are “struggling” to find the way to condemn the recent acts in San Bernardino.

“Innocent civilians aren’t being targeted, they’re the ones who got killed”.

Trump’s rival candidates focused more on the need for better intelligence in their latest remarks. When you have pipe bombs all over the floor, so I don’t think they’re regular people.

“I think his mother knew what was going on”, he added.

On CBS’ Face the Nation, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump promoted the bogus theory that the wives and families of the 9/11 hijackers “absolutely knew what was happening” and were flown “back to Saudi Arabia” days before the attack as part of his call for extra scrutiny and surveillance of Muslim communities in the United States.


With rock music blaring before and after his appearance, Trump spoke for about an hour, criticizing his political rivals, Republican and Democrat alike, for what he said was their low energy, low poll numbers and low intelligence. Could some people have had suspicions about the San Bernardino shooters that could have prevented the disaster that unfolded?

Trump coming to Raleigh for evening presidential rally