
Should Muslims Be Racially Profiled?

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, who has always had a penchant for clearing American land from Latinos and Muslims appears now to be in his hour of triumph as he proposes to launch tracking and racially profiling the latter. “If they are Muslims, they are Muslims”.


‘People are dead. A lot of people are dead right now, ‘ he added.

“We need someone with guts, not someone who’s afraid of being politically correct”, she said. As NPR noted, Trump has carved a populist appeal aimed at voters who are fed up with a host of issues ranging from economic problems and immigration concerns to typical politicians. When you have pipe bombs all over the floor, so I don’t think they’re regular people. “Because I don’t believe the sister”, Trumps said.

The real estate mogul advocated for more profiling, referring to the one report that a neighbor of the shooters in San Bernardino feared telling anyone about suspicions packages arriving at the home of the shooters because she didn’t want to be racist. “If you look at what happened in California, they didn’t have guns, and they were slaughtered”. No guns. I can tell you one thing.

The group, a collection of individual activists, planned to stage an external and internal protest at the Raleigh arena, during which people seated all over the venue would interrupt the speech at roughly five-minute increments, Stanley said. We have to show vigilance.

“There were people who knew bad things were going on [with the family], and they didn’t report it because of racial profiling”. “Marco will be controlled by this guy like you’ve never seen, just like a puppet”.

Trump insisted the family of the San Bernadino killers shouldn’t be trusted when they say they knew nothing of the plot. In order to gain some sort of measure of how often Trump speaks, and the content of his rhetoric, the New York Times compiled a list of ever word uttered by the candidate in public this week. Among them: There are 100 million unemployed workers in the United States, and President Barack Obama plans to allow 250,000 Syrian refugees to resettle in the country. He also indicated support for registering Muslims on a database registry, much like how sex offenders are registered.

Asked if there should be profiling in America, Trump said there can be. “We need tremendous energy, we need tremendous smarts, we need somebody that’s gonna get the job done”. Since the Paris attacks, while the “serious’ GOP contenders have proposed establishing no-fly zones and arming Kurdish rebels in Syria, Trump has focused on registering Muslims and closing mosques in the USA while insisting that he watched thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrate 9/11”.


He also said authorities had failed to aggressively question the spouses of those involved in the September 11, 2001 terrorists attacks in NY and Washington.

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