
Senate Passes Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood

Susan Collins of ME and Mark Kirk of IL, cited a provision of the bill that strips federal funding from Planned Parenthood for their opposition.


The bill passed 52-47, with all but two Republicans voting in favor and all Democrats against.

As it stands, they lack the two-thirds House and Senate majorities needed to override a presidential veto.

“Everybody knows (repeal) is a gesture in futility”, Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada said before the vote.

“It’s defined by failure”, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said of the law, blaming it for rising medical costs and citing problems encountered by Kentuckians. On Wednesday, government officials said health care spending grew previous year at 5.3 percent, in part because of the health law’s coverage expansion, the steepest climb since Obama took office.

Democrats have argued that the 2010 Affordable Care Act has helped 17.6 million Americans gain medical coverage, however.

“Do they bother to talk to their constituents?” “Do they meet with them?”

Operation Rescue is grateful to all the Senators who were instrumental in this successful vote, including GOP leadership that came through on their promise to bring the defunding of Planned Parenthood to the floor for a vote.

However, just to show that Republicans really do have their fingers on the pulse of the nation, the Senate also voted against an amendment that would prevent individuals on the federal terror watch list from buying guns.

Conservative Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who are running for president, and Sen.

“I think Virginians are going to be very excited about this vote today”, said Jessica Cochrane, executive vice president at The Family Foundation.

After years of trying, Senate Republicans have finally managed to pass a legislation (H.R. 3762) repealing most of the Affordable Care Act. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) co-sponsored an amendment that would have stripped from the bill the language denying federal funds to abortion providers.

Critics of the organization, many of whom seek to outlaw abortion in the United States, have falsely accused Planned Parenthood of selling fetal organs and body parts for profit following the release of secretly recorded videos by an anti-abortion activist in July. The group calls the video deceptive and said they have not done anything illegal.

Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Kellie Fiedorek added that taxpayer money should be gong into local community health centers, rather into Planned Parenthood. That attempt failed 53-46.

They also voted 90-10 to permanently repeal taxes on high-priced “Cadillac” insurance policies, a strong signal of growing congressional momentum for erasing that levy.

“They’ve never been in a position where they want to change it and fix the law, it’s either repeal or nothing”, Sen.


Sen. John Boozman said the health care law “remains unworkable, unaffordable and more unpopular than ever”. Republicans say such a scenario would highlight GOP priorities for voters.

Senate Votes to Repeal Obama Care story image