
PS2 games are now on PS4

The Japanese hardware organization flaunted PS2 diversions like Rogue Galaxy and Dark Cloud running in superior quality on a PS4 in a video distributed to its YouTube page. Each game costs $14.99.


Sony also showcased some of the titles coming to the PlayStation VR and among the titles is the return of the popular aerial battle sim “Ace Combat“, Gamasutra reports.

The Mark of Kri ($14.99) – The action adventure game follows Rau Utu, who is known as a great warrior.

For a few of these announced VR games, old franchises are being leveraged into new gameplay experiences.

Debuting next spring, the PlayStation VR is Sony’s entry in the hot field of virtual reality, which is expected to be a $30 billion business by 2020. The $9.99 titles are missing the highest level Trophy. That said, some games are actually meant for the PS4, and at least one for the PS3, with optional PS VR support only, so they can be purchased and played even without the headset.

A comedic take on first-person shooter games, World War Toons features caricatures of World War II soldiers fighting in quirky locations while equipping some ridiculous power-ups.

It is arguable that PlayStation fans will be disappointed that they have to repurchase games they already owned in the PlayStation 2 to play them again in the PlayStation 4.

This year’s PlayStation Experience keynote presentation saw the company blasting through game announcements left and right; it was like last year, but more so. Indeed, the Sony advertisement notes that the game will be used “for R&D purposes related to our next generation gaming system”.

But it was just an engineering demo – maybe it’ll become a real game, but we just don’t know yet.

This would benefit the future of the new consoles by making the PS5 five times the performance per watt than what the PS4 can handle. It’s flanked by Vice City and San Andreas, of course, with each game sold separately.


Sony is enjoying record sales of its PlayStation 4 console, signalling a return to focus on gaming over entertainment is a marketing strategy that is paying off. The company plans to add new compatible games every month. The console also had a ton of games that were really good and are still around today. Count on a digital and a disk release for these games, and the possibility of enhanced Remote Play options. These versions are played through the Wii U with console features like Off-TV play, save states, customizable controls and Miiverse support rather than going through the system’s bare Wii emulation mode.

Rez's'time has come with VR Version Say Dev