
Third-grader crushes Carrie Fisher in Star Wars trivia contest

Fisher is also fine with Leia being the role for which she is remembered, and wasn’t hesitant to come back to the Star Wars franchise.


Well, Empire has revealed their six covers themed to the film, and they offer some of the most detailed, closest looks at the heroes and villains of the movie yet. “There are a couple [moments] where you have to have them”.

I would say that this is a good marketing move, but I honestly don’t think that more advertising was needed when it comes to Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

According to, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens will have a PG-13 rating due to “sci-fi action violence”. The actor said of the character that he’s “never thought of [him] as an evil person”.

Google users can also opt to join the dark or light side and all the search engine’s “apps will follow your path”.

To choose your path, just make sure you’re logged into your Google account and head to the Google Star Wars landing page.

With the exception of seven in-gallery screenprints, every piece in the show was exclusively listed on eBay with proceeds going to UNICEF, a charity near and dear to the filmmakers behind Star Wars.

Abrams was quick to shoot down Kimmel’s comment that Star Wars fans were more aggressive that Trek fans, admitting there are more of them (including himself).

Created by Lucasfilm, Industrial Light & Magic Experience Lab (ILMxLAB) and Skywalker Sound alongside Google and Verizon the Star Wars: The Force Awakens VR experience will be released on Wednesday 2nd December 2015.


The new film hits theaters on December 18th, and is already breaking records.

Third-grader crushes Carrie Fisher in Star Wars trivia contest