
Obama Promises to Defeat ISIS and Rebuts Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

“For seven years, I have confronted this evolving threat each morning in my intelligence briefing”, the President said.


So Obama on Sunday offered assurances that “I know how real the danger is”. This will set the terms of American policy and instruct the president to execute it under his powers as commander-in-chief. Because of the nature of the attack and its alleged connection to the “radicalization” of the shooters by influences including the terrorist organization ISIS, the FBI has announced that it is formally taking charge of the investigation.

A Daytona Beach congressman, who has been a steady critic of President Obama’s foreign policy, says last night’s speech “demonstrates” that Islamic State “will continue to be on the march” until we have a new president.

The findings sharply contradict previous statements by President Obama and other White House officials that ISIS has been “contained” by a program of U.S.-led airstrikes and the deployment of approximately 3,500 USA forces to train and otherwise aid moderate Syrian rebels and Kurdish fighters.

Also, the United States president drew attention to the fact that Washington was deploying special operations forces in both countries, Sputnik Georgia reports. For the moment, the war in Syria and Iraq is largely being conducted under the auspices of the authorization that was voted immediately after 9/11 and was directed at al Qaeda and the Taliban. The say he needs to take the fight to them. We’re working with Turkey to seal its border with Syria.

Fourth, with American leadership the worldwide community has begun to establish a process and a timeline to pursue ceasefires and a political resolution to the Syrian war, he added. That’s what groups like ISIL want.

“(U.S.) Congress should act to make sure no one on a no- fly list is able to buy a gun. Usually, the playbook for this kind of press conference is for the lawyer to say how sorry the family is and how the relatives are cooperating with authorities and then get off the stage. “Instead, we will prevail by being strong and smart, resilient and relentless”, Obama said. The president warned against singling out individual Muslims, saying the radical group ISIS “does not speak for Islam”. And they account for a tiny fraction of a more than a billion Muslims around the world. If we’re to succeed in defeating terrorism we must enlist Muslim communities as some of our strongest allies, rather than push them away through suspicion and hate.


When American aid worker Peter Kassig was beheaded in November 2014, “Jihadi John”, the masked British terrorist who had appeared in many ISIS videos, said of Kassig, “We bury the first crusader in Dabiq, eagerly waiting for the rest of your armies to arrive”.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told the New York Times that the US has entered a'new phase in the global terrorist threat