
Homeland secretary: US to roll out new terror alert system

This will be the third terror alert system put in place by the Homeland Security Department since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.


Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson says he will soon announce a new national alert system aimed at better informing the public given the “new phase” of the global terrorist threat the facing.

Johnson said that officials are looking into stricter rules regarding the visa waiver program for those coming to the US, as well as the fiancee visa program that Malik used to come to the country.

Either way, Addicott said you may or may not ever really realize there might be an “imminent” or “elevated threat”. There is no specific, credible intelligence of a Paris-like attack on the homeland, but we are concerned about copycat acts.

“Don’t expect the feds to rush in and save you in the first 72 hours because a lot of times there’s just not the capability to do that”, she said.

Johnson’s announcement came after a married couple last week opened fire at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California, killing 14 people and injuring dozens others.

A DHS official told FCW on background that earlier this year, Johnson had directed a review of the National Terrorism Advisory System to see what modifications could be made to more effectively communicate threats.

Johnson said he plans to travel to London on Tuesday to meet with United Kingdom authorities to increase information sharing efforts regarding the travel of suspicious individuals.

This story has been corrected to show that the name of the alert system is the National Terrorism Advisory System. Trump announced his idea during Johnsons meeting.“I dont comment on what candidates for office say during this political season, ” Johnson said afterward.

Even though the unfortunate event wasn’t classified as a terrorist attack yet, the threat for Islamic radicals is a growing concern, since similar attacks may not be discovered in advance, said Jeh Johnson.


Also on Sunday, Hillary Clinton said the Islamic State had become “the most effective recruiter in the world” and that the only solution was to engage U.S. technology companies in blocking or taking down militant websites, videos, and encrypted communications. The two-tiered system has not been used because the standard is so high.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson participates in a conversation during an event sponsored by Defense One at the District Architecture Center