
EA: Star Wars Battlefront ‘May Not Have the Depth’ Experienced Gamers Want

We’re now three weeks removed from the Star Wars Battlefront release and we continue to see new information emerge for all three versions of the game.


But DICE has done a fantastic job of making Jakku feel distinct from its other sandy counterpart. The second available bundle isn’t shipping until December 8th, so be mindful of the calendar if you need one well before Christmas.

If you don’t know who Michael Pachter is, he’s a video game and electronics research analyst with Wedbush Securities, and he also likes to end his show, Pachter Factor, with a bold prediction.

According to Attack of the Fan Boy, “Star Wars Battlefront” has been criticized since its launching because of its lack in content. EA has already acknowledged the issue and is preparing new and more content for “Star Wars Battlefront”.

As far as Star Wars goes, no one’s friends are playing a Star Wars title that arrived last year or the year before. Hopefully the arrival of the game’s first expansion packs will add some much needed variety to Star Wars Battlefront’s gameplay. PS4 has been advancing towards glory and success, and with the arrival of PS4 VR, and backward compatibility where users can now play PS2 games on the PS4, has just boosted this progress. No, not at all. But it’s also a huge letdown for those of us who have been waiting years for a proper “Battlefront” sequel to arise again. Dice’s choice to not offer a server browser is also both a success and a failure. That said, some of Battlefront’s smaller modes are fantastic in short bursts, but it’s so hard to find a server-let alone a server populated enough to allow the game to start with the minimum players-that I don’t even try these days.


Still wanting to pick up a PlayStation 4 for yourself or someone else for the holiday but missed all the Black Friday/Cyber Money sales? Therefore when the latest “Battlefront” was announced, fans rejoiced. That’s more than half, with the Xbox One having 36,395 players online, and the PC having a measly 17,957 players online.

Tech Insider