
PlayStation VR games debut, prepping for 2016 launch

Arguably one of the most interesting PlayStation VR entires, the game has players matching shapes in three dimensions in a similar, trippy fashion to that of Japan’s “Human Tetris” game. I think for now, Sony should pump the brakes a little on the VR drive and focus more on traditional immersion in video games.


Like the PS VR itself, there are no announced dates for these titles, other than a generic 2016 launch, most likely after Sony’s virtual reality headset goes to market. I do not, however, excuse Sony for a very poorly structured and paced conference.

I feel for the people who had to put up with the malfunctioning equipment on stage, and I feel bad for them. With the virtual reality feature, the game’s synesthesia aspect will definitely be reaching new heights.

Sony showed off a ton of games that seem to have potential, but none of them looked like nothing more than just tech demos, which we’ve seen already. That said, some games are actually meant for the PS4, and at least one for the PS3, with optional PS VR support only, so they can be purchased and played even without the headset. The usual problems with presenting VR on 2D screens persisted – it’s a hard problem to solve, and somtimes the games look simple or boring, too – but Sony made up for that simply with volume – including the new game Eagle Flight from Ubisoft and amusing, sparkling indie games like Job Simulator and 100ft Robot Golf.

“Golem” is the first gaming project of Highwire Games.

A play-through of the game Eclipse brought me to an alien planet to solve puzzles and scan forgotten artifacts.

The 80s first-person tank battle classic gets a reboot as it heads for the PlayStation VR.

Not much is known about this game just yet, other than the fact that its visuals are gorgeous and dinosaurs seem to be a central theme. That is about what we can gleam from the Eagle Flight trailer, but we’re okay with that because it looks lush.


To tease fans on what to expect from the virtual reality headset, Sony recently shared eight new compatible games during its second annual PlayStation Experience community event in San Francisco over the weekend. Are you excited yet?
