
‘The Walking Dead’ Season 6 SPOILERS: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Confirms A Major

Negan is the ruthless, all-business villain in the comic book of the same name where the show based from. Please proceed with caution if you wish to avoid spoilers.


Watchmen and The Good Wife actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan will bring the villainous ex-car salesman to life, a role he apparently already relishes.

Fear The Walking Dead doesn’t quite live up to the expectations that many fans have put on it, due in part to the high bar that has been set by its parent show, but it does manage to be compelling and entertaining. Other characters prefer the use of swords or cross bows, and frankly, I think all of them would probably get devoured after ten minutes of relying on those as their primary weapons. And then that took on a whole new level when I did Watchmen.

It’s perhaps the most dreaded “KRAKK!” in comic book history: the moment when Negan, armed with his barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat affectionately nicknamed “Lucille”, gleefully bashes Glenn’s skull in…

“She is gorgeous. She is a lovely girl”.

I don’t need to practice my swing.

In the comics, Lucille was once drenched in Glenn’s blood. And will Negan become a watered-down character if they remove that aspect of his personality? AMC is actually no stranger to allowing characters to get sporadically vulgar with their language, since the network execs allowed Breaking Bad to get a “fuck” in, with limitations, of course. Indeed, even while giving his answers to EW for the interview, Morgan wasnt able to keep a clean mouth, saying he is “really fucking excited” to have this job, for one.

Morgan’s full-throated embrace of his crass and charismatic new character may outweigh AMC’s, in fact.

The Walking Dead took a break recently with its mid-season finale, leaving regular viewers with the same sorts of questions these finales usually do – Who else might die, where will the regular cast of characters end up, now that their latest sanctuary has been overrun with zombies (Sorry, I refuse to use the clumsy sounding show-preferred term “Walkers”), and so on and so on. I’m also really keen to see how we develop as a family because my character and Kim’s character started off all lovey-dovey at the beginning of the season, but we do not agree on stuff, really important stuff, about how to deal with the situation and it appears as though their relationship is just not gonna make it… until right before the very end [of Season 1]. I was like, “Are we going to be able to shoot it?”

“No more “Walking Dead” till February!”

“Glenn and Michonne try screaming to get Daryl’s attention and let him know the Saviors are still there”.


As for, Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes), Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon) and Michael Cudlitz (Abraham Ford), these major players have expressed their confidence that Morgan will suitably portray Negan.

Is The Walking Dead on tonight, December 6th?