
George Lucas reacts to new Star Wars film

So, there you have it. Lucas thinks the fans will like The Force Awakens, though it seems clear that Abrams’ spin on the franchise is not what Lucas envisioned when he dreamed his geeky dreams of Episode VII. While director J.J. Abrams opted to keep the Falcon’s design largely intact from its predecessor, the ship now has a rectangular radar dish, as opposed to the circular dish from the original trilogy.


As the tribute to the Star Wars creator began at a gala honouring him and four others for contributing to American culture through the arts, the crowd was asked to welcome actress Carrie Fisher. Check out the full press video bellow.

For example, he said, the filmmakers created droids “to feel completely new and different and at the same time something that was so of Star Wars”.

“The Force Awakens” features several new female leads.

But Lucas has described his relationship to Star Wars as a divorce on several occasions, so aside from the ensuing unfortunate imagery of such a marriage, it looks like it’s an amicable parting of ways. “I’ve had people say to me that they don’t want to read anything at all, so they can get to the theater and have it be a surprise”.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been rated PG-13 for “sci-fi action violence” by the MPAA.

Adam Driver plays Kylo Ren, a character dressed similar to Darth Vader who is presumed to play the main villain, though that depends on the perspective. As for his latest musical inspirations, Lucas told Billboard, “I’m not thinking about my next project”. However, while walking the red carpet, prior to the event, he confirmed he has indeed seen the film, which will be released Dec.18.


Binks is one of the most reviled characters in the Star Wars canon, mocked for his stumbling manner and sing-song patois accent many found offensive. The ever-increasing hype around The Force Awakens has certainly kept fans busy, and many of said fans are on the hunt for love (much like how Boba Fett hunted Han Solo).

George Lucas about to be honored with most prestigious award in the arts