
India hints it may contribute to climate fund

The 195-nation UN talks in Paris have been billed as the last chance to avert the worst consequences of global warming: deadly drought, floods and storms, and rising seas that will obliterate islands and densely populated coastlines.


The European Union appears to be softening its position on its demand that emissions targets in a potential Paris climate accord need to be legally binding.

The awkward feeling of being alone against the world can make even the most powerful nations cave in, like in Indonesia in 2007, when the US negotiators were blocking a decision on how to move the talks forward.

Foreign and environment ministers joined the talks outside Paris after lower-level negotiators who met last week delivered a draft agreement with all crunch issues left unresolved.

“The clock is ticking towards a climate catastrophe”, the United Nations secretary general told policymakers gathered in Paris.

The Paris conference is the 21st time world governments are meeting to seek a joint solution to climate change.

“We are the face of vulnerability”, said Philippines’ climate delegate and leader of the bloc of vulnerable nations, Emmanuel de Guzman.

Any more than you can shed 30 pounds in a week, you cannot correct course on climate change in one conference. That incentive will effectively lower Carbon dioxide emissions – blunting the overwhelming climate disruption that harms the world’s poor, including those here in the U.S.

“Somewhere around 3 degrees there’s probably a “tipping point” where global warming could run out of control, leaving us powerless to intervene”, said Columbia University environmental scientist James Hansen, the former top NASA climate scientist who has been warning of the dangers of climate change for decades. India and other major developing countries insist on their right to use some fossil fuels to advance their economies – just like Western nations have done since the Industrial Revolution. Brown supports a global agreement to cut carbon dioxide emissions, and was on a panel with California billionaire Tom Steyer at the Petit Palais (a luxurious art museum) to talk about policies they argue will help humans fight warming. On Monday, Beijing issued its first ever red alert for smog, urging schools to close and invoking restrictions on factories and traffic.

Analysis of climate action plans of 185 countries for emissions reductions and other strategies up to 2030, covering more than 90% of the world’s emissions, suggests that even if they are all put into place, temperatures are likely to rise by about 2.7C by 2100.

Nations remain divided over how to help developing nations cope with the costs of global warming, what limit to set for planetary overheating, how to share the burden between rich and poor nations and how to review progress in slashing greenhouse gases.

Greenpeace International’s executive director Kumi Naidoo said the deal needs to reflect “climate justice”, as it was not fair that the countries least responsible for emissions were feeling its first and most brutal effects.

“Whether the text will also take into account a very justifiable request from the most vulnerable countries to improve on those efforts, it remains to be seen how that is going to be handled”, Figueres said in an interview with The Associated Press.

During his remarks, Dr Al Jaber outlined the UAE’s vision for a meaningful climate agreement, saying, “The world needs a flexible system, one which allows all countries to develop climate actions in line with their national priorities and circumstances”. “Let’s do it for Tuvalu”.

We know that as technology emerges and becomes more economical, it will accelerate a greener world. “I can tell you that earlier today, the (US) President placed a telephone call to Prime Minister Modi of India to discuss the ongoing negotiations”, he said. “May we all be able to stand tall and clearly say we did everything that was necessary”.


The grouping of four large newly industrialised countries also said they are engaging with nations in a constructive and cooperative spirit and have shown “flexibility” on issues and hoped that an agreement can be reached by Friday.

Hundreds of environmentalists arrange their bodies to call for renewable energy and peace at the base of the Eiffel Tower in Paris during COP21