
Abrams on best way to watch Force Awakens, the advantages of directing

The TV spot above has lots of new footage: a Stormtrooper mid-battle, a cute exchange between Harrison Ford’s Han Solo and John Boyega’s Finn, and a slightly extended look at the moment when Han hands Rey a blaster. It’s a testament to the impact George Lucas’ creation has had on the world. “I saw it in a 2 minute, 10 second piece.’ So I was very grateful that Disney actually took the lead to keep things quieter”.


If the family drama is what drives the story as far as Lucas is concerned, I don’t know why it took him until the end of Empire Strikes Back to get into it-or why the prequels handled the relationship stuff so awkwardly.

The Chinese Theatre was one of only about 30 venues booked to show the original Star Wars film in May 1977 because movie executives at 20th Century Fox had concerns about its mass appeal.

According to Star Wars: The Force Awakens screenwriters J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan, they didn’t turn to the Star Wars expanded universe to develop ideas for the new film. While Match did not present any data in this particular area, I certainly hope most users with loyalty to the franchise lead with a winning Star Warspickup line in their online flirtations. “And it’s fun to play…it’s been a great experience”.

In fact, he told Screen Rant how this decision has been one of the best he has made. What you realize, by the way, in working on these movies is that even things that are canon, that are beloved and absolute to fans, are very much fluid and in flux.

“I can’t say anything about my size”, she said with a laugh, but perhaps added a clue: “You know, posters are not really up to scale”.

Stressing that in an enormous movie like “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, it is exhausting to construct a private rapport.

ABRAMS: It’s a bittersweet choice.


I’ve already covered my thoughts on writer-director George Lucas’ movies from the beginning of the century, so I won’t rehash that. You don’t want to necessarily have to top something that worked. “I’ll reserve my final judgement of Disney’s treatment of “Star Wars” until after Rogue One”. It was only a win.

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