
Trump denies report that he plans to visit Jordan

– Donald Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States is being taken personally by some Middle Eastern refugees here in the valley.


Dean is just one of many who stand behind Trump and behind his comments regarding Muslim travel to the United States.

While no one has been as brazen as Trump with their comments, people here have noticed an increase in anti-Muslim rhetoric. “They get it. They’re trying to get publicity for themselves”.

Idlibby told WBTV his parents came to America to escape Syria.

He said his parents were next to die.

“They are facing isolation”, said Kaiseruddin.

Trump maintains he has no regrets about the comments. In fact, numerous white supremacy groups (who normally abstain from politics) have praised Trump’s campaign.

Trump’s Republican rivals rejected the provocation.

The Republican presidential candidate said what he is proposing is “no different” to the actions of president Franklin Roosevelt, “who was highly respected by all” despite his wartime measures that included putting Japanese-Americans in internment camps in the US.

Melisse Banwer, executive director at the Tolerance Education Center in Rancho Mirage said Trump’s words were hurtful and hateful. “For the past six months”. He has been officially not agreed with on the racist, xenophobic, not-Constitutional, government-required religious test idea.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, said Trump’s “suggestion is completely and totally inconsistent with American values”.

“Doctors, lawyers, engineers”, Idlibby said. But in order to accomplish that goal, we have to work with Muslims, in our country and around the world.

While Idlibby disagrees with Trump, voter Joel Rivera likes the candidate. “We don’t need to take cues from the Democrats”.

Nor will the scrutiny faced by Trump as this candidacy continues to upend expectation. Trump, he said, is making new enemies of people “who came to our side in Iraq and Afghanistan and who are under siege in their own countries”. “They are killing a lot of people”.

Was this the opening that the Republican Partys establishment has been waiting for?


“Because if you’re going to disallow Muslims, then the Christians are going through the same thing. they’re saying because of your faith, you are going to be blocked”.

The best #TrumpisDisqualfiedParty tweets