
The Force is strong? Fans begin lining up for Star Wars premiere

That said, don’t rule out a change of heart in the future. The memories may be fuzzy, but he tells us, “This is a complete full circle, I’m back here again”. “That had not been the case before”.


In the original movies, Princess Leia’s hair buns became an iconic style but Carrie fears her look in the upcoming film will be more of a hair-don’t than a hairdo!

Star Wars: The Force Awakens premieres worldwide on December 17 and 18, in just nine days.

The story take places three decades after the events in 1983’s Return of the Jedi.

If I had to make one prediction, I’d have to guess that at least one contestant is disqualified for falling asleep during the third movie, Revenge of the Sith, because I’ve fallen asleep during that movie when it wasn’t part of a marathon. The director George Lucas meant to add his character in the previous films to provide comic relief.

There are no Ewoks, either, according to director J.J. Abrams.

In fact, Daisy said the droid developed so many human-like characteristics that she started to feel like she was performing alongside a regular actor. It’s always nice to anticipate working in something that you know people will have an appetite for. Well, thanks to the good people at Exponential Interactive, we finally have some answers on that very subject.

“So it was a pleasure to work on the film”. And the story got even better when he was paired with Lawrence Kasdan, writer on “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi”, to write the screenplay. Once they reach that point, The Force Awakens will be put on an endless loop until just one fan remains. “I’m not going to ruin it for them by talking about what happens”. When I was watching the reels in 3-D, there were a number of shots – and I know this sounds insane – that I hadn’t understood in the three-dimensional space quite the way I did when I saw them in 3-D.

Watching them in interviews, it’s easy to root for both of them – especially Boyega, who hasn’t been shy about letting the world know he’s also a fan. “I couldn’t care less”, he said. “I think Mr Lucas did a fabulous job, the special effects were wonderful and the storyline was wonderful”. You’re going to love the new cast. His first feature, THX-1138 is a dystopian science fiction film, but his next effort, 1973s American Graffiti, was specifically written to appeal to more mainstream audiences—it was a challenge from Coppola.

While the film has been cloaked in an unparalleled level of secrecy, Ford guaranteed that fans can expect the same Solo they fell in love with from the original Star Wars trilogy. And if you spoil it before we see it then we’ll cut you. “That’s a famous metaphor that I think is appropriate”. He suffered several injuries when his vintage plane’s engine failed and crashed in Santa Monica in March.


“At my age, gettin’ up in the morning is a brush with mortality”, he said. It was a mechanical issue and no fault of the maintenance or anyone else.

George Lucas gets major US arts award