
George Lucas ‘Really Liked’ New Star Wars Film

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens will help to showcase the unique natural and built heritage of Skellig Michael and it will bring images of this attractive region of South Kerry to an unrivalled global audience”. “How can anything live up to any expectation like that?” We went through I dont know how many hundreds and probably thousands of iterations and versions, and one of the great things about that was, the costume for Captain Phasma was designed. “In a way, we were going backward to go forward”.


The latest Star Wars saga has been put to the George Lucas test – and it passed.

It is the first of three new Star Wars movies that were announced after Disney bought out Lucasfilm in October 2012.

The events of The Force Awakens will set the stage for the rest of the forthcoming sequel trilogy. “I’m not going to ruin it for them by talking about what happens”.

Disney has released a new featurette focusing on Daisy Ridley’s character Rey. The secrecy has stirred rampant online speculation, particularly about the fate of Skywalker, who is absent from trailers and posters promoting the new film.

“The shorthand is that he’s older and wiser, but his bones are the same”, Ford said.

For many people, listening to the soundtrack of a movie they enjoy allows them to experience a piece of it while they’re driving to work, out jogging, or busy cleaning the house. “We’ll have to wait and see”, Ridley said. “Star Wars never had like insane violence or anything”, she said. Even if he meant to say it’s always been perceived as a boy’s thing but shouldn’t be, he STILL said he hoped his installment would be something that mothers could take their daughters to.

My Chrome extension of choice – Unspoiler – blocked two potential spoilers above, both of which I can see by simply clicking the red box. I had a cast on my right leg, but my toes were hanging out so I could put my toes over the pedals and fly. “It just feels like another project”. Jurassic World holds the record with $208.8 million in June.

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” hits theaters on December 18.


“There had been plenty of science fiction and spaceship movies before”, he said.

A mess of Star Wars fans