
Britons petition to ban Trump from UK after ‘Muslim ban’ comments

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Trumps remarks contribute to fuel hatred.


Every Republican candidate for president is criticizing Trump’s plan and not a single member of Congress has come out in support.

It comes after tens of thousands of people signed a petition calling for Mr Trump to be banned from entering the UK. The Republican state party chair in New Hampshire, where the first ballots of the 2016 campaign will be cast in eight weeks, has abandoned her pledge of neutrality and called Trump’s comments what they are – “unconstitutional”, “un-American”, and “un-Republican”.

“He just wants me to leave… and I don’t want him to do something like that to hurt me”, Fattah said.

Even former Vice President Dick Cheney said banning a whole religion is un-American, during his radio talk show late Monday. “We need toughness and smartness and we have to do it quickly”, he said.

“Individuals have been reaching out to us sending us messages of solidarity”, Malici said.

“We are not allowed to hurt any innocent people”, explains Abdalla, the Resident Imam of the Mosque of Nasreen.

“We have no place for that kind of ignorance and tolerance and lack of understanding of what our country is about”, Nutter said in an address to the media on Tuesday.

The call drew sharp rebuke from both the White House and other Republican presidential candidates.

Spokeswoman for the United Nations refugee agency Melissa leming said in Geneva that Trump’s remark could threaten the programme for resettling Syrian refugees in the US.

Jordan is among the United States’ staunchest allies in the Persian Gulf region and its military has regularly flown bombing missions against the Islamic State group. “And as the secretary of homeland security said, has consequences for our national security”, Earnest said in response to a question.


As Quartz reported earlier, wealthy Muslims helped Trump build his empire, and his business’s profits rely on citizens of the Middle East to rent Trump-branded apartments and buy Trump-branded products. “And it wasn’t very long ago that the United States finally acknowledged that it was illegal and immoral and not only apologized to Japanese-Americans, but had paid a restitution to them for what had happened”.

Protesters hold cleric Safwat Hijazi during a demonstration at Tahrir square in Cairo